In today’s world, administration & management of organizations, particularly educational institutions, has become a tedious and complex task. It requires careful planning, systematic approach and accurate control of administrative processes to attract the best students, produce best results and project the best image. Coupled with tight competition from the industry, these institutions are increasingly seeking the help of information technology to improvise their facilities and maintain a competitive edge to their educational business. Welcome to the extremely efficient, systematic, sophisticated yet user friendly School Management Software – “DIGITAL SCHOOL”.

With the help of “DIGITAL SCHOOL” software top management can keep the whole school/college system under its control. As all school/college perations, namely Student admissions, Presence, Exam, Fee collections, Certificate, Time table, Income Tax, Library, Employee and Payroll etc. are automated and brought under a common interactive platform, exercising control over these functions becomes easy on the part of the higher rungs of the School hierarchy. The software is enormous and inexplicable that can be witnessed only by application.

Under the umbrella of EduCampus school/college can get various other integrated products like,

  • SMS
  • Mobile App
  • Biometric
  • Online Exam
  • Online Payment Gateway
  • Vehicle Tracking System
  • Tally Integration
  • Barcode Integration
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Our specialty

We specializing in Digital School ERP


Web Application

No installation required. You can use Digital School with any browser.


Affordable Customizations

Your specific requirement can be easily integrated&customized with Digital School in a highly cost effective way


Fit for All

Digital School is suitable to any kind of educational institutions – schools, colleges, universities and training centers.


Graphical reports

Graphical Reports to better visualize the output.


Select what you need

With Digital School’s modular design, you can select the features you require in your campus,& always you can add extra features afterwards when required.


MIS Reporting

Management Information System provides reports by getting data from different aspects for school administrators to manage things efficiently and effectively.


Flexible Hosting Option

You can decide the deployment model best suited for your organization.


User friendly

Anyone with little knowledge of computers can start using Digital School within short span of time after their first login.


Multi-Site Configuration

Multiple schools of single groups scattered across different or same location can be managed in Digital School.


Highly Integrated

Digital School is a complete integrated School ERP with SMS, Mobile App with Portal, Biometric, E exam, Online Payment Gateway, Tally Integration and school dynamic website.


Parent and student login

 Individual login access to both parent and student which allows them to get the required information anytime, anywhere.


Flexible Configuration

Configure your software environment much more flexibly by enabling or disabling settings to fit your needs.


Affordable pricing

The cost of Digital School is very low compared to other ERP of its kind.


User Dashboard

Separate dashboard for Parent, Student, Teacher, Management for quick access to relevant information.


Custom reports

Design your reports as required, with various filters and fields.


Feature Rich Modules

Digital School offers 35+ featured modules to manage all the systems and process of your institution.


Teacher and Employee login

Separate logins for teachers and non-teaching staffs. Employee can access detail round the clock.


Fit For All

Digital School is suitable to any kind of educational institutions - schools. colleges, universities and training centers