We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.
We are customer focused provide a best solution of business.
Our success rate almost 100% - ensures goal of any type business .
We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.

Welcome to World Best Business Company
EduCampus Technologies is a dynamic IT consulting firm that provides customised technological solutions for various industries to achieve their organisational goals and enhance productivity. We are a technology driven company offering world class business solutions to our esteemed clients through our customised software solutions.
Our Best Services
Customized Software Solutions
We represents considerable authority in different sorts of capacities like altered programming arrangements which enable your business to profit the most.
IT Consulting Services
Our far reaching scope of IT counseling administrations for corporates causes our customers to viably make, oversee, improve and scale up their organizations in the ...
Web Applications
A web application is any PC program that plays out a particular capacity by utilizing an internet browser as its customer. The application can be ...
Mobile Applications
On the off chance that you have a Versatile applications advancement thought that you need to change over into an extraordinary Portable application, we are ..
Zoho Email Solutions
Email hosting can seem expensive, and that’s largely because the big companies are forever competing to offer the largest amounts of inbox and file storage .
Start Your Business with brainstorming
Zoho has all that you have to support deals, venture up profitability, and deal with throughout the everyday exercises. Zoho has 25+ online business profitability and joint effort applications. Our group of Zoho specialists will encourage design and oversee sending those apparatuses into your business., you can oversee, interface, and computerize business forms over your organization.Solve business bookkeeping challenges utilizing our ideal arrangement of back applications on the cloud. Give your business group the ideal arrangement of applications to help settle more business negotiations in less time. Enable your workforce with applications to team up and change the way they work. Spotlight on your kin while our applications computerize your HR forms.
“DIGITAL SCHOOL” software top management can keep the whole school/college system under its control. As all school/college operations, namely Student admissions, Presence, Exam, Fee collections, Certificate, Time table, Income Tax, Library, Employee and Payroll etc. are automated and brought under a common interactive platform, exercising control over these functions becomes easy on the part of the higher rungs of the School hierarchy. The software is enormous and inexplicable that can be witnessed only by application.
We are doing Understudy administration , Staff administration, Academic management,Finance,Library, Inn, HR, Execution Administration, Stock And Resource Administration, Security/Organization, Transport ,Control Of Examination
Get In Touch
Contact Info
#1, Second Floor, 5th Main Road, Natesan Nagar, Virugambakkam, Chennai – 600 092
+91 8825736046
Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 8.00 PM